Be Just Friends No More!

We are sure many of us want to turn that friendship into a relationship. Sample this totally relatable scenario for instance- you were totally crushing on her and finally managed to even befriend her. But now what? How would you turn this friend zone into dating zone? Now either you be upfront and tell her all about your feelings or you take it a bit slowly by turning on your charm. For those who would like to take the second route, we have some handy tips.

For all those wondering – can friendship turn into a relationship? Well how about trying these tips to make the transition from friendship to a romantic relationship.

  1. Drop buddy or bestie whenever you greet her – We suggest you follow this golden rule if you seriously want to enter into a relationship with her. Stop calling her buddy or a bestie whenever you meet or send her a message
  2. Change the way you spend time together – Create an opportunity for romance by may be serving her favourite food or doing things that’ll make her happy. Sweep her off her feet by little surprises she loves. We suggest you make interesting conversations with her. Get to know her really well.

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  1. Be confident: Don’t take too much pressure on yourself. Play it cool. Slay it with your effortless charm. Also be mindful of your body language. We are sure you don’t want to come across as someone creepy. To stay ever ready always keep the best men’s deo with you. Wild Stone Edge is one such deodorant for men that you can always keep handy to feel fresh and confident.
  2. Look good and make a lasting impression: Of course don’t overdo it. But staying neat and hygienic is the key. Bathe, shave and yes, don’t forget to wear a good fragrance. One of the best perfumes for men - Wild stone Ultra Sensual, is especially crafted to up your sensuality quotient.

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  1. Drop Hints: If you want to take it slowly, why not drop subtle hints. May be you can tell her how much she means to you and how special she is. Also giving her genuine compliments isn’t a bad idea either.

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So, now that you know there are endless possibilities, why not put  your best foot forward and get noticed. But whatever you do, please remember it is important to be a good friend first even in a relationship. Be sensitive towards her feelings and genuinely care for her.

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